VIP精品微课 扫二维码继续学习 二维码时效为半小时

价格: 99999.00元


  • Know your goal(s)/ know where you are headed
Benjamin · 05-22 · 0

Cover Letter

  1. Why are you interested in the position?
  2. Why are you a good fit for the role?

Cover Letter Structure

  1. First part - Introduce your interest and your understanding of the role
  2. Second part to fourth part - Introduce your experience and background and how it can help the role (Don't copy and paste from resume)
  3. Last part - Reiterate your interest and passion for the role, show that you are willing to contribute for the company (Mention you have thought what the company wanted to you think about and you are capable of what the company wants to you do). Leave your contact information and give thanks and show your excitement
Benjamin · 05-22 · 0

Secret #1 - Clarify your career direction

Secret #2 - Match your resume to your selected positions

Secret #3 - Effectively sharpen your technical skills through a practical training program

Secret #4 - Networking is the key for you to get more interviews

Secret #5 - Please prioritize your interview skills training


Interview tips

  1. Apart from your knowledge and skills, you should also sell your values, which should be reflected by your contributions to sales, operations management, cost cut and etc.
  2. Interview is not an exam; instead, you should view it as a conversation and sell yourself with a passion
  3. Hiring is mutual choice, You should not only understand your values but also clarify your expectations from a job
  4. You have to spend time on creating your own interview stories that can catch interviewers' attention
  5. Make sure that your stories have a clear framework with attractive details
Benjamin · 05-22 · 0

1. SELECT* FROM tn WHERE FN LIKE '_in%' (%省略)

  •  LIKE '[TJ]im%'.   (TJ有一个在)
  •  LIKE '[^TJ]im%'.  (不是T或者J开头)
  • LIKE '%' + 'im' + '%' (搜索字符串)

2. ROW_Number 函数

  • SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ProductID) AS ROWNumber, ProductNumber,
jessihuang · 2022-04-25 · 0

Data Querying

1. a. 数据:CRUD ( 增删查改Post, Get, Put, Delete)

b. 集合: 子交并补



  • e.g SELECT TOP 100 * FROM Tablename (取范围)
  • e.g SELECT TOP 10 PERCENT * FROM Tablename (取比例范围)
  • e.g select 列名1,列名2 from tablename (大小写不敏感,逗号分开
  • SELECT 列名1 as 新名,列名2 as 新名 FROM tablename (取名
  • e.g SELECT
  • FirstName, LastName, FirstName+' '+LastName AS FullName From (计算列
  • ORDER BY FirstName, DESC倒序 LastName ASC正序 (排序)
  • SELECT FN, LN From Tablename WHERE FN="name"(不等于 !=)  (条件)
  • WHERE FN="" or LN=""
  • WHERE productID Between.. AND..
  • Comparison Operator: <> not equal, != not equal to, !< not less than, !> not greater than.

If 200> ANY(SELECT ProductID FROM tablename)








jessihuang · 2022-04-21 · 0